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'Pizza, Ravioli, Spaghetti, Mamma Mia!' Says Kamala Harris In Mario Hat And Mustache While Addressing Crowd Of Italians

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PHILADELPHIA, PA — Yet another campaign audience was treated to a speech specially tailored to relate to them, as Vice President Kamala Harris adopted a pitch-perfect accent and image while addressing a crowd of Italian American voters.

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No One Notices As Entire Cast Of 'The View' Replaced With Shrieking Feral Pigs

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MANHATTAN, NY — All three people who watch The View were completely unaffected by the talk show's recent decision to replace their entire cast with shrieking feral pigs.

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44 minutes ago
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Governor Abbott Declares Texas Sanctuary State For Memers

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AUSTIN, TX — Following the aggressive action taken by California against humor, satire, and online memes, Governor Greg Abbott signed an executive order to declare Texas a sanctuary state for memers.

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44 minutes ago
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Who is a Communist?

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Podcast audio:

In this episode of New Ideal, Onkar Ghate and Nikos Sotirakopoulos discuss the question of whether Kamala Harris is a communist, and if not, what the real problem with her views is.

Among the topics covered:

* The essence of the Marxist ideology;

* Why Harris is not a communist;

* How the “communist” label helps New Right tribalists hide their own anti-Americanism;

* The importance of using concepts precisely;

* How mislabeling someone as “communist” whitewashes real communism.

Recommended in this podcast are Ayn Rand’s article “The Left: Old and New” and Sotirakopoulos ’s lecture at AynRandCon Europe 2024 “Lessons From the Intellectual Success of Marxism.”

The podcast was recorded on September 9, 2024 and released on September 14. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Watch archived podcasts here.

Download video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/1C-eEwx1jv0

Download audio: https://media.blubrry.com/new_ideal_ari/content.blubrry.com/new_ideal_ari/20240909_Who-Is-a-Communist.mp3
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18 hours ago
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‘Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right’ Is Worse than Incompetent

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‘Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right’ Is Worse than Incompetent

While claiming to be non-partisan and deeply researched, Jennifer Burns’s celebrated book is an anti-intellectual biography of an intellectual.

The post ‘Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right’ Is Worse than Incompetent appeared first on New Ideal - Reason | Individualism | Capitalism.


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18 hours ago
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Occupational Licensing: Teachers union against more teachers

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"What’s better, no teacher or a recently retired, though now deregistered one?
'An Otago principal facing relief staff shortages would rather use unregistered teachers than send his students home.. . . [But] PPTA Te Wehengarua president Chris Abercrombie said the “ad hoc” response ... meant thousands of young people would not be taught by trained and qualified subject-specialist teachers. . . [And] PPTA Otago regional chairman Kussi Hurtado-Stuart said the loosening of regulations [allowing this] was a 'short-sighted solution.'
"Surely a recently retired, albeit no longer registered, teacher would be better than no teacher? ..."
~ Ele Ludemann, from her post 'Union’s politics showing,' in which she submits "the union’s anti-Government politics" are on display here. I'd suggest however that this is less about the union's politics, and more about simply protecting its turf. Just like all occupational licensing.

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18 hours ago
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